Woodlawn Anointed Playland
11357 South King Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60628
Office : (773)840-3566
Email: info@anointedplayland.com
Daycare / Christian Private School

About Us
Woodlawn Anointed Playland is a Christian Daycare/ Private School that is designed to meet the total needs of young children with high quality child care, education and guidance. We believe that it is extremely important that we create a christian, warm, loving environment so we can instill in our young children a Love for God, while learning that will last a lifetime. The purpose of Woodlawn Anointed Playland is simple, to meet the TOTAL needs of your child, spiritually, emotionally, physically, socially and intellectually with an intent to GROW.
A balance of self-directed learning and teacher planned experiences.
Curriculum that includes many opportunities to participate in a wide variety of interests.
Parent-teacher communication through monthly and weekly newsletters, e-mails, and parent teacher conferences.
A great team consisting of a director, teachers and teacher assistants who are all DCFS certified.
Field trips, Mom’s and Dad's Day, Grandparents Day, parent informational programs and many other fun activities throughout the year.
Our Daily Schedules Includes:
Small Motor Development Activities
Learning Center Choices
Clean Up
Circle Time – Calendar, Weather, Story time, Sharing, Finger Plays
Large Motor Play – Outside on the Playground or Inside the Gym
Restroom Break
Small Group Activity
Music / Gym